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Your Help Is Needed!

Takuna Maulana. El Shabazz
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The Planter

If you are to be accepted as a planter among your people, you must plant the seeds that will produce the needed harvest. If your people are hungry you must plant the seed of the corn. If they are uneducated  you must plant the seed of knowledge. If they are culturally confused and economically misused  you must plant the seeds of culture pride and prosperity. If they are politically disenfranchised  you must plant the seeds of spiritual enrichment and direction. As the planter embedded with the knowledge of God- you must spare no efforts to alert your people to the nourishment that come from the eating of the harvest. If you fail in doing so all who does not eat of the harvest will perish.


Takuna Maulana El Shabazz, 1988


A $5.00 online donation or as little as $1.00 will go a long way in helping to create , record and restore positive Black history!  We are not just a bookstore but a grass root community educational resource center for our people! We understand and appreciate your effort if that is all you can afford at this time due to the tough economic conditions.

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